The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Indeed deeds are only (judged) by their endings’. [Bukhari] Tonight is the last night of Ramadan and Saturday will be the last day. We have only a handful of hours...
This topic, as noted in the title, addresses two issues: The first relates to freedom of religion in the general sense, namely, the right to choose ones faith prior to becoming Muslim. In this...
When it emerged that Mel Gibson was working on a re-telling of the last days of Jesus Christ, many worried he might incite the wrath of god. Rumours of extreme violence, anti-Semitism and historical inaccuracy caused...
In his autobiography, Imam Hasan al-Banna narrates the following incident, which occurred shortly after he began giving regular lessons in a small, local masjid. One of these nights I felt a strange feeling, a feeling...
It’s not a wonder that the term ‘criticism’ is often qualified with the adjective ‘constructive’. Constructive means to build and is the opposite of ‘destructive’. Hence ‘destructive criticism’ is criticism aimed simply at tearing...
Eight days after the December 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, 11-year-old Fatimah was rescued from the rubble. Holding a soda can in her hand she asked, “Am I allowed to drink this? It is not...
Our generation is one of being distracted, and I am admittedly guilty as well. While walking recently, I answered a cell phone call, turned my attention to a grave situation over the phone, and...
Islam has given youth a high status because the development of civilisations and the future of nations is in their hands. They safeguard its land and build its glory thanks to their open mind,...
“O Mankind! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe, then, for your own good! And if you deny the truth – behold, unto God belongs all that...
Today we will talk about one of the greatest conversations in the history of humanity, when God spoke directly to Moses, peace be upon him, in the mountain! We will focus on one of the...