Geography, Environment, Destiny by: Kelechi Deca

While criminal elements are responsible for most of the vandalisation affecting projects of this type in many impoverished environments, there are however, failures from the failure of policy implementers to think through problems before offering solutions.

Oftentimes, the problems we see are not really the main problems there are within a given community. Some problems are solutions other sets of problems thus providing solutions without first studying the system holistically would simply create another problem in the name of solution.

This is where design thinking process in problem solving comes into play. This is because oftentimes, what an outsider see as a problem for a people may not be their real problem.

Design thinking is an iterative, non-linear process which focuses on a collaboration between designers and users. It brings innovative solutions to life based on how real users think, feel and behave. This human-centered design process consists of five core stages Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

Design thinking is a unique method of problem-solving that focuses on user needs first. Those who use design thinking do not need to be designers. It emphasizes observing people and their environments with empathy and using those observations to develop innovative ideas with an iterative, build-and-test approach.

Observation is key. And it should be done with empathy, in a non judgemental way, of trying to be in their shoes. When you stand at same point people stand (point of view), you’d understand and appreciate why they see and think differently. Inorder to help them see clearer and more comprehensively, take them to a higher ground.

Elevation enhances perception.

Imagine how many destiny-tied hours these kids waste everyday instead of being in school with their mates. And while they toil to fetch water, their parents are busy producing more whose lives would still be tied to 20 kilometres of fetching water daily. Environmental determinism.

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